Looking For Feedback--what do you think of the changes here at ApSense?
Just thought I'd try to gather some viewpoints on the recent changes to ApSense. I greatly appreciate all the improvements from support, but it's going to take me minute to master them. I'm kinda slow :) I think it took 2 days before I found the messages link. :P. There are SO many new things to explore..... but that's what makes it fun, isn't it!
What do YOU like best?....or NOT like?
~dana k
Comments (46)
Douglas Wolfe
Web Designer & Developer
Hi Worx4u
I used the new user list to see which new users were going ahead and setting things up such as uploading pics etc. I used the browse users feature as a way to identify those users who were active in the community but not on the spotlight list. It saves a lot of time knowing who is active rather than trying to work or connect with inactive users.
I agree though the new users were probably spammed a good bit with ads and offers as soon as they signed up.
I could not find the
Dana k
They must have removed that--too many spam blasters on the newcomers :(
I do not like the fact that you can't browse users :P
Scott Crider
Change is good...static sucks.
The only thing in life you can depend upon is change...so let's keep the upgrades coming and make this the best professional community on the internet and one that everyone will gravitate towards.
The better we get the more everyone will see APsense as an essential ingredient to success.
Dana k
I didn't find those either, Douglas. I miss those running posts at the bottom of your homepage where you could see where all your groups' comments were. Is that what you were referring to?
Does anyone know if it can be found somewhere else?
Douglas Wolfe
Web Designer & Developer
I thin the changes are great. Yet I have lost the ability to browse the users list and I cannot find any place that shows the new users. Before we could browse thru all members and when you went to the members page we saw the last 20 or so new members on the right sidebar.
Just thought I would mention those in case I have missed new links to those features or to find out if they are totally gone.
I am really looking forward to findng out more about the Live Channels feature that is comin