APSense.... Now that I've joined... and posted and...

Posted by Beth Schmillen
Jun 9, 2007
What is it to SPAM in a GROUP? Here at APSense you are writing blogs, articles and creating subjects for the netwoking members to discusss and comment on.. I know I am totally new to this type of forum! So, I've managed to come up with a signature UBBcoded for when I post an in the Subject area. I haven't seen a lot of spam elsewhere in APSense but this GROUP no doubt gets the most of it! (smile) I hope I haven't been one to do that? Beth
Comments (8)
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Nobody wants to receive spam. It seems to me we agree on this issue. Its just that you are looking at preventive and I am looking at it like what if they do. All of us that have been on line for any time at all know that telling a person not to spam doesn't stop those who don't recognize the rules in the first place. It has been made clear here that spam is not acceptable.And that would cover messages also. So really the only issue left is how one would deal with it. I personally would deny furt

Jun 10, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart


Contacts are indeed a choice and so is joining someones network., but I have chosen to invite contacts because maybe -

- their profile interests me or their work is interesting or sometimes because I think they would be interested my Group or i like their Group.

It did not imply my acceptance to receive spam from them though.

I would just prefer that they didnt use the meesages for sending copy paste ads. Full Stop. And that doesnt mean i dont like their blog or enjoy their Group

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Of course you would want your contacts to have respect for your online relationship. But, as I mentioned in the other thread. Contacts are a choice. I am sure we all at least look at a members profile and maybe a blog before accepting them. And if there is a problem, all you would have to do is end contact. Lynn

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Beth,

Well i've read all the discussion and agree that we are going through growing pains still. I note that most people are showing some professionalism in their use of adverts and trying to put them in the right place. And hope that soon this will become a habit. FCiommunities full of ads everywhere stop being usefulk after a time - as they kill good discussions which we can all learn from and contribute too.

The only thing that bothers me is the use of private messages for ads - I am

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Barbara Eyre

Apsense isn't the only new social networking site that is having this problem. But, like mentioned, it is a growing pain ... everyone is eager to get fresh targeted traffic and sales!

I have only posted my business ads in those threads that are specifically marked to do so. However, I have seen threads about ... let's say, article marketing, how-to and suggestions ... and in the middle of the thread is an off-topic ad. Frankly, I consider that rude! *shrugs*

Each group owner needs to deter

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Keel W.

IT researcher

its normal for a social community spam ads seen everywhere.myself get refered to this community by a spam discussion from mylot.sometimes there is no guideline to judge what is spam,if the info useful to us,its not spam.

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Lorraine Lake

AP Sense is growing, which means growing pains. Some here are well established in the networking sites & understand the basics, probably even helped develop some. Others are newbies & just learning the ropes, then there's the bunch in the middle...like me.

I'm really enjoying the AP Sense community. Everyone here has been great, friendly & willing to share knowledge & the variety of subjects is great too.

We just have to read the different group rules if we want to post.

I get enough o

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

There has been alot of advertising here in the Apsense group. Where it is meant for questions and other Apsense related posts. That is why this has been brought to this groups attention. As far as what spam is to other groups. I would imagine unwanted blatant ads. Usually most groups state what guidelines they would like you to follow for that group. Lynn

Jun 9, 2007 Like it
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