Hi to all on this site! I Just joined still feeling my way at the moment

Posted by Andy Cummings
May 20, 2007
A BIG Hello to all members! I have been an avvid user of the internet promoting various programs in cyberspace for quite awile now and one thing I do know! That is making good contacts is always a plus on the Internet! You can see more about my on line life at my links on here! Nice to meet you all! I use video E-mail to stay in touch with my main program subcribers! Q..... HAVE YOU HAVE EVER WONDERED WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE TO SEND A VIDEO E-MAIL TO ANYONE PLUS ALLOT MORE BESIDES THEN REQUEST MORE INFO HERE Look at Video E-mail the future BUT FIRST MEET ME ON ONE OF MY VIDEO MAILS HERE THAT I HAVE USED! Please accept my apologies for any mistakes LOL It takes some getting used to talking to a Camera LOL But for the sake of argument I was busy at the time and decided it was good enough for now! If it is at all of interest to you let me know and I will give A's to any Q's you have! Just make contact! You could also visit the link THAT IS HERE to see what one of our members has to say about the MVT system Also you can see an example that one of our members decided to USE THE MVT SYSTEM {LOOK HERE} for the promotion of their business that they are involved in .... Hope you too can see the potential MVT has to offer to all members who utilise the many facets that are provided within the members area! Get more info now! USE THE MVT SYSTEM HERE so I can send you further info plus make real contact with you! Just fill in your details to view then answer the Q's at the end and I will guide you through the system! Cheers! ONCE YOU VIEW MY SITE THEN YOU TOO CAN DECIDE IF THIS AWESOME COMMUNICATION TOOL IS THE WAY FORWARD WITHIN YOUR BUSINESS, MARKETING OR PERSONAL LIFE! THANKS FOR YOUR TIME MUCH SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS TO YOU ALL IN YOUR INTERNET PRESCENCE From Me AndyC in the U.K.
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