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The Concept of Dapps- the Future Powerhouse

Posted by Vanessa Jane
May 9, 2020
DApps are applications that run on a blockchain network, mainly, ethereum. DApps is the abbreviation for “Decentralized Applications,” which means the applications run on a multitude of servers all around the world. Unlike a traditional application, DApps do not involve any intermediary, and the users are directly connected to one another. The users host the platform themselves and manage their data without giving control to any central authority. Likewise, a DApps application requires no approval from anyone to be built, and users have the flexibility to set the rules of the application according to their preferences. DApps are one of the groovy innovations in the blockchain technology forums and are gaining huge traction among investors in the digital business sphere. Currently, there are about 1000+ DApps existing on the ethereum network. This is because of the compelling advantages it provides to the users. Let’s discuss some of the most significant ones among them.
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