Is It Just Me, LOL?
When you visit an APsense Page without logging in and try to make a reply to a post, you will be taken to the Log In Page.
When you do log in, you are taken to your own page instead of where you were.
Now you have to go search for this page again. And sometimes you don't even remember the Article Title or the Group.
If it's not just my Super-Duper Browser at work, can something be done?
On my Forum, it you try to post without logging in, you are taken to the login page and back again to the page you were before.
Thanks for caring,
The GoodNews team
Comments (5)
I just tested it myself and it seems to be working. Have you tried logging out and then making a moment? Once you click "send my comment" it will take you to the login page and once you've logged in it will take you directly to the same page you were on before you logged in.
James Max
Blog Network Community
Great Guns!
That was really fast response - not "will get back with you you in 24 hrs" as the responder would say at most places.
Well, maybe it's not fixed yet. I was still redirected to my page - will try again later.
Thanks for the great support from the APSense team
The GoodNews Team
Rusty Rose
WOW. Kudos to the people who run APSense. Now that's not only a fast response, but one of the fastest problem solvers I've ever seen. Thanks, APSense for your prompt attention to our problems and wish list and also to your fast action.
I have talked to our programmer and he is fixing the problem as we speak. You will be able to go back to the page you were on previously after you have logged in. Please test it out in 5 minutes and let me know if it did not work.
Arnold PEREZ
Whis I could help you with this but Im brand spanking new to all this. So I wish luck!