RSS Feed !!!!
why there is no feed for our group & ABC page?there should be atleast an atom.xml feed for us to explore our page,right?or just im the only one who think like that?i did try to create one for my page,but i was failed because of apsense system.
anyone have an idea how to create a feed that can fixed apsense system?
Comments (5)
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
If you want to contact your downline, please post your bulletin by using tool - Apsense Express.
for more info, please read here:
Keel W.
IT researcher
but it's very convinience to contact downline........anyway,thanks again!
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
We do not allow anyone mass message to his contact list.
Please read our FAQs about how to broadcase.
Keel W.
IT researcher
thanks wincer song,dont forget mass message function take a lot of time to send message from contact list one by one.
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
hi, keel wong
RSS Feed will be supported soon.
Apsense Co-Founder