With latest update made by Yahoo Inc regarding data hacking conducted by cyber criminals that lead to a data breach of 500 million Yahoo email account, it was all due to the loopholes left unconsidered when it comes to maintaining the security of email account. With persistent warning sent by Yahoo every time regarding password change to protect email account from sudden compromise, it is all about securing the personal info provided by you on Yahoo account during the time of registration long time back. We can say it the negligence of users.  who does not change Yahoo password on time and update the answer of security questions? Any unusual activity found on the email account leads to instant alert which is sent to Yahoo Inc to the registered user.

Yahoo account generally gets hacked easily by cyber criminals as people show negligence in securing their email account to a certain extent that makes hackers struggle to perform any malicious activity. But users can also easily regain access with Yahoo password reset that helps them recover their Hacked email account and modify its settings. Yahoo technical support team is available every time to deliver instant assistance whenever it is required but with the absence of official Yahoo customer care helpline number, users face a lot of troubles as they are not able to contact Yahoo technical support team instantly during the hour of need.

Here are the ways to make a review towards your Yahoo email account as well as protect the same from malicious activity

  •         Check recent Login activity page.
  •          Protect Account from Hackers.
  •         Change Password on instant basis.
  •         Reset Yahoo password immediately in case you forget the same or account has been hacked.
  •     Make modifications in Account info on regular basis.
  •         Change secondary email address as well as recovery phone number available in Yahoo email account.
  •          Enable two-step verification process to secure the access of Yahoo account at the extreme.
  •         If possible activate Yahoo account key option and nullify the importance of password to access the email account.

Any of or all these steps if implemented properly by the user upon consulting with Yahoo helpdesk team can be really beneficial for them and prevent their email account from further data breach which in no time can ruin them financially on the permanent basis.

For more information,  visit:  http://www.yahoosupportnumber.net


Or you can dial :

+1 - 877-618-6887 (USA/CANADA)

+44-800-051-3717 (UK)

+61-180-082-5192 (AUS) 



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