Inbound links can be placed or found almost everywhere over the internet. These are the links which point users to another webpage. It also helps increase traffic to your site and authority as well. Inbounds links are also known as back links and these are the most important factor in determining authority and rank of your web page by search engines. The position of your webpage in SERPs is hugely influenced by the type of inbound links you create for your own website.

These may be considered as essential parts of a successful SEO campaign.  Back links or inbound links have a great influence on your rank in SERPs. It is sort of hyperlink on a webpage (third party) that directs or points to your own website. Back links are important as major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing see relevant and multiple back links to third party web pages and consider these inbounds links as a sign of trustworthy link and relevant content on the targeted page. 

There are different kinds of inbounds links available; you need to know how to acquire these links. These back links may be graphic and text based but text based inbound links are more effective than graphic based. It also generates more traffic to your web page and helps improve your position in SERPs. One of the most important factors that you need to consider is quality of inbound or back links. In terms of position and ranking of your keywords or website in Search Engine Result pages, getting back links from anywhere cannot help. 

If back link has a relevant keyword pointing to your webpage, search engines will count it even more valuable. The quality back links on high PR sites with relevant content to your webpage will also help increase or drive traffic to your website. Quality links and better traffic indicates the best search engine optimization strategy. A good or quality inbound link uses proper and natural anchor text (keyword optimized) and comes from authoritative websites.

So always get back links from quality and high PR sites, forums, directories and other sites that are relevant to the content of your own website. There are some methods to create back links for your website, such as, directory, social bookmarking, press release, blog comments, social media, classified ads, forums, article sites and many more. You can acquire inbound links to post to directory sites or forums. Quality back linking help your website rank higher or on top position in SERPs. These good inbound links tell crawlers that your links and website content is authorized and your web page is an authority on a specific topic or subject. So more quality inbound links on authority websites means better rank and more traffic.

Author Note:

Inbound links are links which direct user from another site to your own website. These links help rank your website top on search engine result pages. More quality links on authority website and relevant anchor text help in driving more traffic to your website and make your site more reliable and trustworthy.

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