Today we are debuting a very exciting new feature at Pricebenders. Effective immediately, on many Pricebenders auctions, you will now have the option to get all your bids back by simply buying outright the item you were bidding on! You can do this at any time while the auction is going on–or for up to 24 hours after the auction has ended.
The Buy Now (BN) price will typically be the MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price), but may be lower or higher in some instances, depending on our costs.
Yes, you can now bid boldly and with confidence at Pricebenders…because, no matter how many bids you make, you can get them all returned immediately to your account…by simply buying the item you wanted in the first place!
Please note that once you’ve used the BN option for an auction, you can no longer bid in that auction.