Intimacy with God: do you have it?
There is a common misconception among many people that intimacy with God is reserved to an elite or that God only speaks with prophets. Some people also proudly state that God can only be met "figuratively" like in a biblical verse, for instance.

I am the living proof of the contrary: I am experiencing intimacy with the Living God daily. Since Yeshua our Messiah met me in July 2014, I haven't stopped experiencing His mercy.

credit to artist Yongsung Kim, Biblical Art for the picture:)
I shared my encounter through my book entitled "An Encounter with Yeshua". I also shared my experience with friends, relatives and other people that our Lord had purposedly sent my way.
Some of my friends, who happen to be believers, said to me: "you are lucky". Yet having intimacy with God through the presence of Yeshua our Messiah is not a matter of luck. It has to do with your heart, your singleheartedness and your will to make yourself available for Him.
Some individuals are also hiding behind the verse of John 20:29:
"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" to hide their total lack of relationship with our Lord, and also because they'd be afraid to have a close encounter with Him. Somebody who proudly claimed to be a follower of Yeshua once saddened me with the following statement:"I don't need Him to approach me.", which sounded to me like a little bit of arrogance in disguise.
Of course, the prerequisite is to believe without seeing. But it doesn't mean that we are banned from seeing Him. Not many are granted intimacy with our Lord, because we need to be pure at heart.
Yeshua said on the Sermon on the Mount:
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8)
If you don't feel that purity of heart, you can ask like the Psalmist in Psalm 51, "create in me a clean heart" (Psalm 51:10)
What is a clean heart?
A clean heart is a heart that is free of hatred, gossips and worldly attachment. A clean heart is filled with God's light and love.
A second condition to experience intimacy with God is to be willing to obey His command. Before I had been granted to see Yeshua, I told about my request in prayer to a fellow brother. This brother replied to me: "if you want to see Yeshua, show Him that you are willing to obey Him and to walk the path He is showing you."
I followed this advice for I knew it to be biblically true, as stated in John 14:21:
"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them, and show myself to them."
Third, you must know that our Lord's dimension is a sacrificial dimension of love. Are you willing to give Him your life, singleheartedly, no matter what it takes?
After I was granted a first visitation from Yeshua in November 2014, our Lord told me: "because you have sacrificed a specific part of your life to me, you have been granted to see me".
Maybe you won't see Him, but I promise you that if you really have a heart for our Lord, He will grant you intimacy with Him in so many ways. People who say the contrary have not known Him. Yeshua wants real friendship with His children.
Besides the two visitations He granted me, I do experience so many other signs of His wonderful presence. He touched me, let me hear His voice and spoke to me through visions.
The first step to experience intimacy with God is to desire it from the bottom of your heart. Have a heart for Him and you will experience Him-daily- in the same way I do. I am not different from you. I have been a sinner, I have been very faulty before Him, but i repented and gave Him my heart for ever. Will you accept His friendship?
It is all up to you.
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