Dog Writes a Cover Letter for a Resume

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New research shows what one can learn from dogs as it comes to application skills in general, and more specifically what ingredients to use in a cover letter for a resume. What dogs do to get their foot on the door. And how they manipulate their way to success.

"There is a lot to learn when looking at nature" says Dirk Renkema the creator of “Especially by looking at mammals like monkeys and dogs that have a lot of basic social behavior in common with human beings." Based upon the article on dogs are searchers and go-givers. There is a link between looking at dogs and research about influence by Robert Cialdini. Different factors are described like reciprocity, research, proof, consistency and sympathy.

In the article the author goes in depth about how dogs apply those factors in a natural way. How they give attention without expecting anything in return. Or their tendency to search a lot and using their instincts to build social connections.

The author also lays a link between a dog's enthusiasm and how to model that in a cover letter. How to use influence by giving subtle proof, and how consistent behavior builds trust. Based upon the article those are factors to increase the chance of getting an invitation for a job interview. just released a new whitepaper called “amazing career advice from dogs". The article and a link to the white paper is to be found here:

Based upon their mission statement (CNG) helps people to design their most fulfilling career. Both for job hoppers, self employed entrepreneurs and everyone in between. Next generation careers can move in all directions. The mission of CNG is guiding people to follow their hearts when pursuing their career journey. When head and heart are connected the hands will automatically do the right thing.

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