Sports fans all over the country have been anxiously waiting for the announcement from SportsTicketBank about which venue they will add to their venue series that has captured the attention of so many. The website has just released the name of the newest addition to the much anticipated list. The Palace at Auburn Hills, which is the home of the Detroit Pistons, takes its place among the other distinguished venues highlighted by the website.

“We chose this venue for several reasons," says a spokesman from SportsTicketBank. “It has a fascinating history, and is considered one of the most luxurious sports venues in the country." He goes on to say that" We put a lot of time and effort into our choices because we want this list to be considered a “bucket list" type of thing for sports fans. So we don't take our choices lightly."

The Palace opened in 1988, and is considered one of the first luxury stadiums of its time. In fact, most people agree that the Palace was responsible for all of the luxury stadiums that followed. One of the reasons the stadium is so well revered is that it came about because Piston's owner Bill Davidson bucked the system in 1978, and decided not to move the team to the Joe Louis Arena. Instead, he took the team to the Pontiac Silverdome and played there for ten years. It was a tough decade because the stadium was designed for football and not basketball. So Davidson, along with a few others, bought a vacant lot in the city and build the Palace at Auburn Hills. The stadium cost $70 million, but none of that money came from the public, but instead it was privately financed.

“There is no way we could not include a stadium with so much history on our list," said the spokesman. “Any sports fan who cares about the history of the great stadiums in the U.S. will definitely want to visit this venue."

The Palace boasts luxury suites that go from $350,000 to $450,000 per year, and to its credit, the suites are consistently booked. The Palace is known as the oldest modern stadium, and to this day, rivals the most modern stadiums in America.

“Every time we add a stadium to our venue list, we see ticket sales go through the roof," says the spokesman. “So we advise fans who want to buy tickets for Palace at Auburn Hills and watch a game in this historic stadium to get their tickets early."

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