Tabletop role-playing gamers can keep up with news, humor, trailers, and information about existing and upcoming tabletop RPGs at the website This new website is organized and maintained by Philadelphia residents and veteran gamers Admiral Von Chaos and Lady Sunshine. With over thirty years of gaming experience between them, this duo is committed to bringing gamers the most relevant analysis and current news about tabletop role-playing.

Learn more at the site:

In addition to featuring blog posts and videos about the process of role-playing and running role-playing games as a Game Master (GM), this site also strives to keep up with breaking news in tabletop RPGs including upcoming indie games and those from established systems like Dungeons and Dragons and Shadowrun. Also, fans of the site have the opportunity to sign up to receive a weekly newsletter which will feature links to the week's top posts as well as exclusive content.

In the October of 2015, Roll With It RPG will begin producing episodes of original gaming sessions through their YouTube channel as a way of reviewing gaming systems such as Dread and Shadowrun as well as games recommended by fans. These videos will serve as in depth reviews of the gaming systems for entertainment purposes only.

Roll With It RPG is committed to encouraging gamer participation so as to contribute and enhance the vibrant tabletop role-playing community through digital videos, social media and on their own website. In addition, tabletop gamers will be encouraged to submit their own role-playing experiences and role-playing character biographies to be published on the site and in the site's weekly newsletter. This will serve as a way of encouraging community and inspiring gamers and GMs to greater heights of creativity.

As of August 31, 2015, interest in Roll With It RPG has been high as evidenced by a vibrant and growing Facebook community page featuring over 1000 likes in less than 10 days. Some of the website's most popular posts have included their ongoing series, “So You Think You Can GM" and Admiral Von Chaos' sharing and analysis of the trailer for the upcoming game “Dungeons and Dragons: Rage of Demons."

Gaming fans can learn more about these posts and others at

About Roll With It RPG: was founded in August of 2015. This Tabletop Role-Playing Website is committed to sharing the best of tabletop role-playing news, humor, analysis, and videos as well as reviews, role-playing fiction and video content. Those who are interested in learning more can do so at

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