SweetDrmz.com, a site that features the popular Memoirs of Rexx Star Comics Series, is giving all aspiring models a chance to get noticed and become their next cover girl. Their "Cover Girl Search" is an online voting application process that awards the most popular girl a contract to become animated on the cover of their next magazine issue. Girls 18 years old and above can apply by registering at www.sweetdrmz.com and creating their own profile. The girl with the most number of votes on her profile gets the contract.

"Sweet Drmz is leveling the playing field for all girls," says a spokesperson for the site. "Instead of hiring the girl with the best portfolio and experience, every girl has a chance to make their dreams come true. By utilizing the profile voting system, any girl that is focused and works hard can get the edge by getting the most votes to their profile."

One vote counts as a single tally for non-members and they can choose their pick through online registration. “Girls are encouraged to get their votes through their network of friends and family at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media. It's so easy to vote. Just ask them to visit www.SweetDrmz.com today and register on the site. It only takes a couple of minutes for them to gain access to the profiles," says its spokesperson.

Each paid member of SweetDrmz.com has exclusive access to additional model photos. Their votes are tallied as five counts, so they can help their favorite girls reach the top faster. Members also have unlimited access to the current issue of the Memoirs of Rexx Star comic and can avail of discounts to upcoming publications of Sweet Drmz magazine.

The Memoirs of Rexx Star comic series is a collection of Northside tales inspired by actual events of Rexx Star and his close friends on their way to achieving success at any cost. The entire idea started from a late night infomercial that was selling a system that teaches entrepreneurs to place classified ads in three different newspapers to be well on their way to earning millions. The idea of this “classified ad system" led to the creation of Sweet Drmz Magazine, which features the Memoirs of Rexx Star comic series and can be found in classified ad sites all over North America.

To get more information about Sweet Drmz and their “Cover Girl Search" visit their website at: www.SweetDrmz.com.

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