‘Let's Make America Great Again,’ Declares Trump in New Book

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“The country needs a truly great leader, and it needs a truly great leader now. It needs a leader that wrote The Art of the Deal", billionaire businessman Donald Trump, declared.

Announcing his bid for the 2016 Republican presidential campaign, Trump boasted: “The country need somebody that can take the brand of the United States and make it great again. And he said, he will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created."

Affectionately referred to as the “Donald," the real estate developer is the preferred Republican presidential nominee, according to recent opinion polls which have consistently placed him in a healthy lead in the party's 17-strong 2016 presidential field, ahead of his closest rival, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush – all this in spite of his often inflammatory and controversial outbursts which have spared no one from establishment figures, political commentators right to TV hosts.

But such is the surging popularity of the property mogul in the party presidential race he is capitalising on his larger-than-life character and global brand to grab constant attention, and thus continues to whet public appetite for his best-selling books – the latest of which is the political offering Time to Get Tough: Make America Great Again.

The blockbuster is not entirely new, however. Originally published in 2011, the book offers an insight into Trump's political philosophy and policy views, and serves as ample testimony of his political ambitions – and more specifically, his sights on the White House. The publication is a marked departure from his trademark take on his core business philosophy.

His previous political book, The America We Deserve, was designed to herald his entry into the 2000 presidential race, while Time To Get Tough: Make America Great Again is clearly a bold declaration that he is a serious contender for the White House.

In the book, Trump outlines his vision to “make America great again," and to breathe new life into the American dream which he says is “dead". He tackles policy issues including immigration, healthcare, trade and foreign policy.

Announcing his bid for the 2016 presidential campaign, he said he was bankrolling himself. He said he was not using the lobbyists. He was not using the donors . . . He is really rich," he said. He puts his personal fortune at more than $10 billion, and cites his wealth as a reason he should be elected president.

In much of his previous books readers have been fascinated by his style of doing business. For example, In Trump: How to Get Rich, the real estate developer has readily offered his wisdom on how to become a billionaire. In other bestsellers he gives advice on how to achieve personal and professional goals. Entrepreneurs and would-be millionaires religiously follow his now-all-too familiar business pearls of wisdom.

Interestingly, in his earlier political offering, The America We Deserve, Trump is brutally honest when he admits that as an author people prefer him when he is wearing his business hat rather the political one.

Trump's books have been best sellers as a matter of course. There is no reason why Time To Get Tough: Make America Great Again in which he clearly comes out with all guns blazing to reinforce his political credentials should not prove to be yet another brilliant read – especially for his countrymen and women and others who follow American politics promiscuously.

For more information about Donald Trump's new book, click here.

Another book is quickly catching the attention of Trump's audience. Sunday Adelaja, a world changer who has helped 200 people to become millionaires in two years. His book shares some of the most powerful and inspirational insights on how to achieve financial freedom. To see what Bill Clinton had to say about Sunday Adelaja, go to: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006K4HQNY