Barrier Protection and Performance Problems: A Not-So-Solid Link

Posted by John Dugan
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Many men loathe barrier protection, but also understand that it’s a necessary component of safe sensual activity. And while most men can still have an enjoyable sensual experience with a barrier between their bodies and a partner’s, some find achieving and/or maintaining tumescence when using a barrier difficult, if not impossible. There are a number of reasons why this might be, and several things men can do about it. Since barriers are imperative to manhood health, simply foregoing barriers is almost never the best option. Recent research provides a number of clues concerning what may be behind barrier-associated performance problems.

Might not be the barrier 

A recent survey of men with barrier-associated performance problems sought to examine whether barriers might really be to blame for their troubles. Researchers took a number of measures from the men, including how correctly they apply barriers, the quality and fit of the products used, their perceptions about barriers and their motivation to use protection. They found a number of correlations with performance problems both while applying the barrier and when engaging in protected penetrative activity which suggest that, at least for many men, the problem might not be barriers, per se.


Men in the study who reported difficulty staying hard both while applying a barrier and when having sensual activity also reported a high rate of not feeling that the barrier fit “just right.” There are different sizes of barriers made to accommodate a range of girths, and different shapes as well. Men should take the time to find the ones they need.

Correct application 

The ease with which a person applies a barrier correctly likely contributes to maintaining stimulation and tumescence. Many men in the study with barrier-associated performance problems reported low self-efficacy when applying barriers, meaning the act may require more of their attention and be bound up with worry, both things that can cause a deflation in the downstairs region.


It may be no surprise that men who have performance problems while using barriers reported high levels of worry and distraction around barrier use. But men with such problems also reported high rates of performance problems when not using barriers. Barriers can become a scapegoat, and the concerns around them, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anxiety about ability to perform is a major turn-off, and men can find themselves trapped in a cycle of performance problems causing fears causing more performance problems, etc. Men with general issues staying and getting hard should consult with a medical professional to consider root causes.


Of course, it’s true that sensual activity with a barrier feels different, and some men just find it harder to enjoy. There are a couple things men can do, in addition to getting the right-sized barrier, to increase pleasure.

First, consider going for thinner (but still reliable) brands. Kimono, for example, is an ultra-thin latex variety that is considered as reliable as thicker brands.

Second, apply a drop of lube to the reservoir tip inside the barrier (remember that oil-based lubes can degrade latex, so avoid them when using latex barriers!). This will allow for a much more natural feel.

Another way guys can work toward greater sensations during sensual activity is to use a cream with acetyl L-carnitine, which protects nerves from the damage that can occur from rough handling. A male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with this ingredient, as well as natural moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E, will help keep the skin in good condition, optimizing a man’s ability to sense pleasurable feelings. In addition, taking care of skin health makes the manhood more appealing and inviting of touch, something any man along with his partner are sure to appreciate.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.