A Charlotte 24 hour emergency locksmith has warned of scam locksmiths with little or no qualifications operating in the Charlotte, Weddington and Matthews area who are destroying locks and charging exorbitant fees to unwary victims.

More information is available at http://accesslocksmith.net.

In a recent expose by MSNBC 12 locksmiths were called to a house to open a lock for someone who had locked her keys out of the house. Half the locksmiths were legitimate, experienced, qualified locksmiths who quickly picked the lock and charged a standard one hundred dollar service fee.

The other half were scammers claiming to be locksmiths who used drills or pliars to destroy the lock or rip the lock off the door completely. Then they charged the home owner for installing a new lock as well as a service fee. In one case a scammer charged over $600 for what should have been a simple one hundred fee.

These operators have so little knowledge of legal procedure they often fail to even establish that the person they're opening a door for is the legal owner or resident of the property.

The same operators often have fake addresses listed on their websites and any receipts they give so finding them when there is a complaint is difficult or nearly impossible.

A-Access locksmiths in Charlotte North Carolina warn that similar scammers are operating in the Charlotte area and costing home, car and business owners hundreds of dollars with their underhand schemes.

A-Access locksmiths have been based in Charlotte for over 20 years and they're shocked that anyone could so brazenly take advantage of people when they're at their most vulnerable.

If an emergency locksmith is required they strongly recommend checking the credentials of any locksmith before calling them out and also recommend dealing with a locksmith who has been in business for a reasonable period of time with a physical shop front.

Better still is to get the contact details of a trustworthy locksmith before they're required and program their phone number into a mobile phone so that emergency number is available when needed.

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