Have you giving your ATM a name?

Posted by Cindy Bolley
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  Have you given your favorite ATM a name? Some people visit it so often they really should name it……

An ATM machine really is a handy thing to have around…. you can find them almost anywhere….. The great thing is if your out and about and you need CASH.. all you have to do is… insert one of those many plastic credit cards that are in your wallet.. input the magic pin # and WALLA!!!! The handy dandy machine spits out CASH…. isn’t that the greatest thing?..

So what if that little transaction cost a few bucks…. Who cares… You Got Cash.. simply for asking for it.
Isn’t that GREAT?

A friend of mine went to Vegas a few years ago…. she was not doing very well at the slot machines.. so of course her best friend that she found in Vegas was an ATM machine…. It was great…every time she went to an ATM she was PAID CASH! The Casinos place those ATM machines every where throughout their buildings…..Gotta love the convenience of that.

It was not until she got home and got her credit card bills that she realized just how many times she had visited her own little personal banking machine…. Not only that BUT>>> Every time she withdrew money from that handy ATM  she was charged 25 BUCKS for the convenience of using it! I would say that her trip to Vegas was one to remember……

I remember going to my favorite ATM and getting a cash advance to pay the minimum on another credit card…. I was thinking to myself that I must be close to my limit and for a moment I thought perhaps it would be denied…. NOPE… That handy Money Machine spit out 200 bucks… just like I asked it to.
I remember taking the cash and thinking “What fools they are… giving me more money”…. they weren’t fools at all… they not only sent me a letter that told be they had just increases my spending limit BUT>>>> they also charge me a $35.00 Over Limit Fee… Now I ask you.. Who is the FOOL NOW?

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Being is debt is no fun… no fun at all…..Debt cause such worry and guilt.. stress levels are extremely high causing real health issues as well as creating a real strain on relationships.. many leading to divorce.

If your ready to stop the debt cycle…and wave goodbye to debt.. I have a solution to offer. I will tell you right now it won’t be easy… instant gratification and taking the easy way was what has gotten you into this debt mess in the first place….. Admit you have a debt problem and then take the steps that are needed to Eliminate your Debt.

Target Debt Free is a program designed to help you get out of debt. This course is a series of online training that teaches how to eliminate personal debt, save money, and spend smarter. Dr. Tom Watson, the author of The Great American Debt Opportunity: Turn Your Debt Into Wealth, has translated these invaluable lessons into a library of 16 online courses, each including an instructional video and printable worksheet to help you become financially free. Isn’t it time to wave goodbye to debt to accumulate wealth?
You can check out Target Debt Free here and get your free lesson.

PS… What would you name your favorite ATM?