Debt and Willpower

Posted by Cindy Bolley
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turn-791716__180 I found a wonderful quote that I just had to share with you…….

“It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.” – James Gordon, M.D

Don’t you just love that.. it is so fitting for this blog!

That quote is so true too….Having willpower and wanting to change how you look at your financial situation is not enough unless you have committed to do what ever it takes to CHANGE!

So are you ready to change yet?  If not.. what will it take to get you to take the steps to want to change so that you will actually be able to have a future…. because if you are honest with yourself… your future looks pretty bleak right now especially if you continue on the course that you are on.

I would guess that most people who smoke would love to QUIT… but until they make up their mind to QUIT they will never be successful at quitting. They must commit to themselves to do what ever it takes….. The same with taking charge of your spending habits you must commit to changing how you look at money and how you spend money.

How deep does your debt hole have to be before you commit?

Admitting that your in DEBT is the very first step to getting out of DEBT. I will tell you right now it will not be easy to get out of DEBT. It will not be anything like it was when you got into DEBT. Make up your mind that it is time to wave goodbye to debt to accumulate wealth. Admit you need help and find a way out.

Target Debt Free is a program designed to help you get out of debt. This course is a series of online training that teaches how to eliminate personal debt, save money, and spend smarter. Dr. Tom Watson, the author of The Great American Debt Opportunity: Turn Your Debt Into Wealth, has translated these invaluable lessons into a library of 16 online courses, each including an instructional video and printable worksheet to help you become financially free. Isn’t it time to wave goodbye to debt to accumulate wealth?
You can check it out here. Get your first lesson free.