Many people in the world want to lose weight. Aging and hormones fight against that. Improper nutrition also hinders weight loss. Find an excellent nutrient rich supplement, not a diet pill. Stay on a caloric diet suitable to your needs. There are many calorie counting apps to help determine your needs. Mine is 1200-1500 a day. Even with that, I have not been able to much lose weight because I don't exercise much more than daily chores and walking at work plus I have a serious sweet tooth. 

Sugar is the worst enemy for weight loss.  I have the hardest time staying away from soda pop. Diet sodas are bad for you too. I drink the new Coca Cola Life but even so it still has sugar in it. Splenda makes me sick so sodas with that are out. Mixing my own soda would be ok if I could figure out a way to make that taste good without sugar. Honey is not a healthy sugar. I just got some recipes for sparkling water so I am going to try those on my SodaStream. 

Motivation is also an issue for most of us. Who doesn't want to sit and watch TV all day! I know I do! So, stand up and walk in place while watching tv. Swing those arms! Lift those arms! Use some small weights. Side step. Do kicks. See, your show is over and you got in a half hour or more of exercise easily! Any type of exercise helps. Muscle building helps. I've dropped 2 pounds in 2 weeks just from building leg muscle on a small stair stepper and walking in place 30 minutes a day. 

Top that with a nutritional supplement program that includes 90 essential vitamins and minerals as well as EFAs (essential fatty acids). EFAs are found in fish oil, flax seed, and other supplements with omega rich aspects. 

Weight loss can be achieved but it does take effort on your part and all of the above play their part.

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