A new All in one Wordpress Membership Software for Affiliate Marketer
This is a highly effective premium membership plugin that you can use to build membership sites in a few clicks of the mouse.
Swift Member is LIVE save 67% launch discount only for a short time.
New Software that ROCKS Your Recurring Income!
Many tools I’ve introduced you to in the past couple of months allow
you to make a GREAT dent in your online business, as well as Affiliate,
Video, Facebook and TeeSpring Marketing.
…and you probably have enough knowledge, or even products that you may have even thought about releasing your own product, or even a subscription to gain customers to build your list, and have them pay you month to month for products, content, or simply access to a product you own or have developed.
Well, are you ready for the best most high-converting Membership tool ever?
The problem is that websites where you can store content, as well as
developing a system that would automatically charge your clients on a
recurring basis has always been so costly to both create and maintain…
This software effectively and professionally can help you create your very own membership sites in just a few simple steps!
What’s more, with just one click, you can connect your newly built site to a payment network so you can stop worrying about how to deliver your logins to customers – they will be able to get access as soon as they hit ‘Buy’, based on settings you set!
Not only that, but you can also upload all the content you want to appear in the membership site ONCE and have it go out in intervals since your customer purchased – leaving them with always populating content inside their membership to validate the monthly income they will be paying you!
PLUS if you check out the first one time offer, you’ll also be able to do a whole lot more with your Swift Member access to
give your customers even more value with your membership sites!
Grab the discount here:
What are the features of “Swift Member”, also known as “Membership Sites on Steroids”?
1. It is NOT a WordPress Plugin
2. It can be used on BOTH Mac and PC!
3. It is NOT an App, but instead a Web-Based Software (THIS IS IMPORTANT SO YOUR SITES & CONTENT NEVER DISAPPEARS)
4. You will be able to actually spend LESS on trying to get new clients, and use this simple system to retain your existing clients by providing a membership subscription that not only looks good, but will update itself whenever you tell it to
5. The cost is super-low compared to the other alternatives, not even to mention the amount of time you will save by having this all-in-one tool at your fingertips
You’ve been purchasing some superb software from me – but they all have one thing in common… they need a way for you to actually RETAIN your customers, and have them bring you recurring income (and be affordable).
Problem solved…especially if you get ‘in’ on this launch special today..
Watch the video at the link below for a demo of the software…again, they are using the actual software on this page.
Michael Volkmann