I remember the first time I heard the word 'bucket list' was in a movie. The story was about these two old farts who met in hospital recovery room, the one being the wealthy owner of a chain of hospitals, while the other one was poor as a church mouse. The rich one convinced the other one they should be ticking a list of crazy things off on his bucket list - in other words, making your dreams come true (and by the way, making money was NOT on the list).... and a wild ride of climbing one of the highest mountain peaks (maybe it was Mt Everest), a parachute jump, visiting a brothel etc followed, with the wealthier one eventually passing away first and the poorer oke left with ticking off one or more items off their (now joint) bucket list before he died. By now you understand we're talking about an idea that's been around even longer than Old Buddie; imagine living a life where exciting lifestyle choices are the reason you do things and that making money alone is not the only reason for you to wake up every morning.

But, that doesn't mean making an extra buck won't be helpful and which is probably even the reason you're reading this. It is also possible that you're involved in a business where having quality leads will help you to grow your business, better, faster and to thus make more money quicker.... to tick off those bucket list items.

I want to expand your mind and suggest to add something to your bucket list... and let's make it happen.... drinks on me!

Hope to see you on the beach....

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