The air we breathe is continuously polluted, which is not avoidable in our present scenario. This causes various respiratory disorders and allergies. Allergy, in general is a hypersensitive disorder of the immune system. Allergic rhinitis is the allergy caused in the respiratory tract. Allergies are caused by minute particles called allergens, when inhaled react with immune system and cause allergic reaction. This, in turn, causes difficulties in breathing. Allergy is very common disorder, which affects about 25 % to 30 % of the population. There is a need to take preventive measures to overcome these respiratory disorders. Ayurveda has various methods and medicines to prevent, control and treat these allergies.

Product details

Praan Rakshak Churna is an Ayurvedic herbal blend used to prevent and treat respiratory disorders like asthma and allergy. This herbal formulation helps to fight against respiratory tract infections, bronchial asthma and other chronic allergies. Praan Rakshak Churna prevents the substance that causes symptoms of asthma and controls any inflammation in the respiratory tracts. It is used as a treatment and prevention of common cold. The herbs in the medicine dissolve the mucous plug and make easy to cough them out. It is not only used to treat the ailments, but also clears the respiratory tract for a smooth and pure breathing. Hence, it can be used as a daily supplement as like that of Vitamins.

This is a pure herbal formulation without any chemical added to it. The herbs used in this formulation are Shirish, Vaasa, Anantmool, Dalchini, Bharangi and Mulethi.

Properties of Praan Rakshak Churna

Praan Rakshak Churna is antimicrobial and antihistaminic. Hence, it prevents and controls any bacterial infections and throat infections. It also acts like a bronchodilator enabling smooth breathing. It also causes antibiotic effect making to expel the mucous to cough out easily.


Albizzi alebbek (Shirish)

Shirish is one of the major herbs in Ayurveda. It is a large deciduous tree. It is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. It expels the toxin from the inflammatory organ. Shirish is mostly used to treat all the respiratory disorders.

Adhatoda vasica (Vaasa)

Vaasa is also known as Malabar nut tree. It is also widely used in the treatment of asthma, common cold and cough. It is a shrub. It causes antitussive effect. Dissolves the mucous plug and expels through cough.

Hemidesmus indicus (Anantmool)

Anantmool supports the working of the digestive system and ensures proper absorption of nutrients. The woody roots of the plants have medicinal properties. The syrup from this root is used as refreshment in South India.

Cinnamomum zyylanicum (Dalchini)

It is commonly known as Cinnamon. It is a spice, which is obtained from the inner bark of the tree. It has various medicinal properties to treat many ailments, from head to toe of the body. It is used in the treatment of asthma, constipation, diarrhea, gonorrhea etc. It is used as a mouth freshener.

Clerodendrum serratum (Bharangi)

Bharangi is used in the treatment of asthma, allergic rhinitis, fever, and various inflammatory conditions. It is a woody shrub. The leaves and flower has the medicinal properties. It improves the appetite.

Glycyrrhiza glabra (Mulethi)

Mulethi is also known as sweet root. It is a legume. The roots and the rhizome have the medicinal properties. It is used to treat a variety of illness from respiratory disorders and liver disease. It has various medicinal properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-thirst, bronchodilator etc.

All these herbs effectively prevent and control respiratory disorders and related allergies. Each has a unique property to treat the infections, allergies and disorders. Hence the combination of all these in the right proportion that is Praan Rakshak Churna is effectively used for the treatment of various respiratory disorders and infection.

Merits of Praan Rakshak Churna

It does not cause any side effect.

This herbal formulation is prepared from absolutely naturally occurring herbs with no side effects, chemicals and artificial preservatives.

It can be used as a treatment of respiratory disorders and also as a daily supplement like that of vitamins.


1-2 tsp every day thrice with plain water after meals can work wonders in treating the various disorders effectively.

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