There many myths and facts about using breathalyzers in existence. There are several “beliefs” out there regarding different actions that you can supposedly take to deter the results of a Breathalyzer test. The truth is that many of these “beliefs” are myths and very few are actual, proven facts. So what are myths and what are the facts?

Best Breathalyzer
Belief No.1: Sucking on a coin can alter results

Sorry to break it to you but this is actually a myth. Breathalyzers shine an infrared light into your mouth and draw a blood alcohol level based on the intensity in the drop of the light. Sucking, licking or even attempting to chew a coin or indeed any metal cannot alter its effectiveness in doing so.

Belief No.2: Eating & drinking before driving will lower blood alcohol levels

There is a common belief that if you drink coffee and eat some greasy food before driving, your blood alcohol level will decrease. However, unfortunately, this too is a big fat lie. Fill your stomach with as much food and drink as you desire, but filling your belly will not reduce your blood alcohol level. If you were over the legal limit before your meal, you will still be over it afterwards. Eating and drinking will not affect the drop in the intensity of the infrared light in a breathalyzer test.

Belief No.3: Holding your breath can alter your blood alcohol levels 
Some people believe that if you hold your breath for a sustained period, you can alter the results of a Breathalyzer test. This belief is actually fact, however it alters the results in a negative way. According to studies, if you hold your breath for a sustained period before taking a breathalyzer test, your blood alcohol level reading will actually increase! So, that’s probably not a wise tactic to try out.

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