Are You The Tortoise Or The Rabbit In Internet Marketing?

Posted by Frank Osorio
604 Pageviews
Hello Marketer,

When you were younger, I'm sure you remember
watching Bugs Bunny try to beat the tortoise at a
race..Forgotten how it goes?

All right, here’s a refresher...

Basically, the tortoise OWNED Bugs in a race to
the finish line.Unlike Bugs who had the advantage,
but was constantly getting caught up in distractions,
the tortoise marched forward like a true warrior,
most of the time cheating with a jet pack on his
back but always moving on the direct path to its goal.
You know how it ends.

But what you may not know is... this cute little story
actually contains one of the most BRUTAL lessons
in online marketing.

You may not have the advantages an internet marketing
rabbit has, like a huge budget to grow your business.

But like the tortoise, all you’ve have to do is take the
straightest, most direct path to success, remain focused,
and you’ll win even the quickest rabbit that tends to be
distracted by anything that shines.


As someone who has been in this industry for a while,
I’ve found the rabbit and tortoise story eerily similar to
the competition that goes on among online marketers
The one who sticks to a proven plan wins, and the one
who gets distracted loses his way or her way. It’s really
as simple as that.

Which one are you?

Keep pushing forward,

Frank Osorio - Helping Networkers Grow Their Network

PS. For a proven, completely done for you system that’s
designed to help you take the best path to succeed online
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