
At India Herbs, you will find the highest quality natural medicine based upon 5,000 Year Old Ayurveda Medicine and formulated by a team of doctors with extensive clinical experience.

All herbal remedies are produced in a cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) Certified Pharmaceutical facility and meet FDA requirements.

Ayurvedic Medicine is also called Ayurveda. It is a system of medicine that originated in India several thousand years ago. The term Ayurveda combines two Sanskrit words: ayur, which means life, and veda, which means science or knowledge. Ayurveda means "the science of life."

Ayurveda is a whole medical system which integrates and balances the body, mind, and spirit (thus, it is considered "holistic"). This balance is necessary for contentment and good health.

While pharmaceutical companies extract active ingredients from plants and sell them as drugs, the benefits of medicinal plants cannot be replicated because their synergistic combination of hundreds of naturally occurring phytochemicals cannot be reproduced in laboratories. 

This fact has been known to Ayurveda for thousands of years - the benefit comes from using the whole plant, not just an isolated ingredient. Because they contain whole herbs and fruits, Ayurvedic formulas are safer and more effective as opposed to Western formulations which often times have harmful side effects. 

We satisfy the health needs of our customers through safe, well-researched, and effective Ayurveda based remedies using premier quality herbal extracts and sound manufacturing practices.

For More........  http://www.india-herbs.com/aff/healthandwealth/kamarani     


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