Who can take the risk of ignoring dreadful pimples and acne which are capable of spoiling an entire plan of enjoying a wonderful get-together event? Even if you don’t have time for intensive skin care, by acing the basics you can pamper yourself. Protecting from the sun, saying no to tobacco, gentle skin care, eating healthy diet and managing stress are some of the unavoidable things for good skin.

Despite these steps putting a full stop to pimples and acne may not be possible. Pimples and acne are generally seen to be hormonal disorders. With natural treatments only a final full stop can be put to these recurring problems. In smart age, let’s take smart moves to treat this problem.

In Ayurveda, generally simple, effective and basic remedies are followed. Regardless of the remedies used, it is always advised to avoid using those products to which skin is sensitive. By using right ingredient regularly, outstanding results can be seen. Basil or Tulsi paste, honey and lemon juice, dry roast cinnamon, margosa or neem leaves, sesame seeds, nutmeg, potato, mint, cloves and raw papaya are some of the ingredients generally used to prepare various final products which are highly useful in treating pimples and acne.

Pimples and acne are predominantly seen on teenagers’ face. They occur because of hormonal changes. Increased sebum production, abnormal microbial flora, follicular wall and sebaceous duct hyper keratinization and inflammation of sebaceous gland are some of the main reasons behind appearance of acne.

The easiest and the most common remedies used for pimples and acne treatment are as follows:
Take 30 ml Aloevera-amla juice half an hour before breakfast. Take 50 ml neem decoction daily in an empty stomach. 15 to 30 ml of Saribadi (Sugandhipala) Kashayam with equal quantity of water should be taken after meals twice daily. Triphala churm should be taken 5 to 10 gm daily which helps in purifying the blood and so in blocking recurrence of acne. By applying Aloevera gel twice daily, pimples and black heads can be removed. Using Yasthimadhu churn with milk guarantees removal of pigmentation and makes skin soft. Paste of Nutmeg powder (jajikaya) with milk removes pimples. Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples has proven track records and it has benefitted many irrespective of their age group.

Ayurvedic remedies for acne are growing in popularity as the synthetic and chemical lotions don’t guarantee a permanent solution. So why to bear this problem, take a wise decision and start your Ayuvedic treatment without delaying further.

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