If you are passionate about gardening, but you live in an apartment or you have a small outdoor space around your house, growing pants in pots may be the best option. You can even mix business with pleasure and plant the herbs you need in the kitchen, or you can just use balcony planters with a decorative role. This gardening activity has become very popular due to its multiple benefits: it allows you to grow challenging plants, herbs and even vegetables, you have the possibility to transport the plants once the cold season starts, and it also gives you the possibility to experience before seeding outside, in the garden. Those who have this hobby find it fascinating to follow the plants’ lifecycle, whether they have their roots in the ground or they are hanging in fence planters. However, this activity is not suitable to everyone: you must be gifted, passionate about it and you must also inform yourself about each species’ secrets. There are certain requirements that you need to know if you decide to start your own gardening project, in order to understand the particularities of growing plants in such a restrictive environment.

To begin with, you must choose the right containers. Some plants will develop large roots, so you will need spacious planters, while others need transparent pots (such as orchids), but all of them must have at least one whole in the bottom. The fact that water must flow out of the container is a basic piece of information related to growing potted plants. If you do not make sure that drainage is made in an appropriate manner, the roots will drown or rot because of too much humidity, and the plants will die. There are many suppliers of gardening products on the market, so you are likely to find everything you need in terms of design and also according to your budget, from balcony planters to small pots for baby cacti. In case you want to grow trees or other large decorative plants, make sure you take into consideration the dimensions they will reach as they grow old. Since we are speaking about the size, a defining element is the space you have available, because you do not want to occupy all your living room with a bonsai tree.

In addition to this, remember to choose containers which can be easily transported. The main perk of potted plants is that you can move them inside once the cold season starts and you can take them out when the weather gets warmer. It would be a pity to be unable to do this because of the heavy pots. For small plants and herbs, you can buy small recipients which can be easily transformed into fence planters, while for large trees whose roots require space, make sure you purchase pots made from light materials, such as resin, fiberglass and plastic. Furthermore, these have the advantage of not retaining water, because they are less porous than clay or wood, so they will not keep the soil moist.

If you want to read more about balcony planters or fence planters, please click on these links!

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