"Borderless" is beautiful!

Posted by Mohamed Hassan
1257 Pageviews

"Borderless" is beautiful!

Did you know that by the end of 2013, the worldwide number of Internet users had grown to more than 2.8 BILLION people—nearly 40% of ALL the people on the planet?! Did you also know that in 2012, e-commerce sales topped $1 trillion for the first time and is expected to continue to grow by double-digit percentages? With statistics like that, the future of commerce certainly seems to belong online!

And while the U.S. leads the pack as of December '13 for the percentage of its population online (84.9%), that number still constitutes only 10.7% (and shrinking) of Web surfers worldwide.

Where the major growth is occurring is in the world's most populous countries, such as China, India, Brazil, Russia and Indonesia. In fact, the Asian continent ranks first worldwide for the number of Internet users—more than 1.2 BILLION and growing. And they're just getting started!

Then there's Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America that since 2000 have witnessed what can only be described as a phenomenal increase of online users: a cumulative, 14-year 5,219%, 3,061 %, and 1,571% growth rate, respectively!

Why is all this important? Because in joining SFI, you've just joined the most global-minded business there is. Put another way, you're now positioned to profit from the largest market EVER. EVER!

The fact is, SFI was built, from the ground up, to go everywhere and anywhere the Internet goes. And "borderless" is beautiful.

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