10 signs that you have entrepreneur characteristics

Posted by Steven Jackson
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For some people, working 9-5 is a noble aspiration and something that suits them perfectly, but for others, it's not enough and have entrepreneur characteristics such as these below

It feels confining, routine - just not the right fit. If you're one of those people, you might be wondering: Am I an entrepreneur and what does an entrepreneur do ? While there is no test to determine whether owning a franchise or other business would be the right path for you, there are a number of telling traits of an entrepreneur that can indicate your likely preference.

You're A Leader

People follow you. They trust you. They seek out your advice and wisdom. If this describes you, you've got what it takes to guide the people who might one day work beneath you within your business. This is an important quality for anyone in a position to manage others.

You're An Innovator

If you're constantly thinking of the best (or better) way to do something, you're stepping outside the box of working for others. You aren't just doing the tasks that are asked of you. You're finding ways to make them more efficient, to better serve clients.

You're A Self-Starter

Being able to work competently on your own is a key element of owning a franchise or other business. You will often need to interface with others, but many of your decisions will be made solo. You need to be comfortable making things happen when others aren't around.

You Strive For Efficiency

Starting a new venture requires extreme cost cutting. The more effectively you can trim unnecessary expenses, the better and more successful you will be.

You Thrive On Passion

People who start businesses need to be willing to work. It can be tough at the beginning, but with passion and drive you can ultimately become very successful. The catch is that you need to be willing and able to push through the difficulties at the beginning in order to reach the success at the end.

You Enjoy Reading About Business Strategy

Even if you've had no formal training, you seek out stories about CEOs. How did they get where they are? How are they positioning their businesses currently? Whether you know it or not, you've been honing your own theories with these readings.

You're Good With Numbers

This is common, but not universal entrepreneur characteristics. It's certainly helpful during the early days before you hire an accountant.

You Dream Of Attending Business School

Although entrepreneur characteristics isn't the only thing to learn there, many people who crave the knowledge that such an education imparts long for it because they want to apply it to their own new ventures.

You Have Discovered A Totally New Sector

There are some cases where, entirely by accident, you stumble upon something that really should exist, but just doesn't. If you identify such a situation, creating that missing piece can lead you to creation of a company.

You Just Feel It

In the end, it's impossible to define exactly what you are or are not. If this kind of career path is right for you, you'll discover it quickly. You'll be happy as you head to work. You'll thrive on what you do.

How to become a entrepreneur ?

If you wish to discuss how to become a entrepreneur – Click here