Have you been laid off, fired or just downsized and need financial planning help?

Posted by Steven Jackson
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Many unemployment articles focus on the negative aspects of being fired, but in reality its an opportunity to reinvent oneself and start your own business

  • Have you suddenly experienced a devastating job loss and need financial help? 
  • Were you a sudden victim of an unexpected workplace or plant closing? 
  • Were you fired for no apparent reason? 
  • Was your position eliminated or were you otherwise downsized? 
  • Forced into an unwilling extreme early retirement?

In today’s highly unstable job market, finding, landing, and keeping a job, has been now, more than ever before, a tremendous undertaking. With the rate of unemployment being at its highest rate since the Great Depression, we live in such an unstable environment that almost everyone has been adversely affected, or knows someone who has.

People are losing their lifestyles at an alarming rate. 

They are losing their cars, their homes, their abilities to have control over how they live. A large number of motivated people are looking for a more creative and secure alternative to the job market because they have finally been burned for the last time. 

During this “recession of the century,” entrepreneurialism has been exploding at an unprecedented rate. People are getting the raw gumption to step out there and do something on their own. They want the upper hand back in their careers, lifestyles and dreams. Is this you?

What’s becoming one of the fastest growing channels and financial planning help to success is the network marketing industry. What was once regarded as a “taboo” business is now quickly becoming the “new” career choice for newly unemployed skilled workers, accountants, and professionals, and even some failed business owners. 

Most of this is due to the magnetic draw of a limitless income potential in a much shorter amount of time with an even shorter learning curve than most typical forms of employment or “brick and mortar” business models as advised in other unemployment articles. In addition, it greatly empowers people to set their own schedules and spend more quality time with their families. 

Plus, it has relatively cheap startup costs-usually a tens of dollars to a few hundred dollars-in comparison to most brick and mortar businesses which cost thousands, up to millions of dollars, and may require the headache of qualifying for some sort of loan structure, or grant program. And many programs now offer a host of free or nearly free incentives, free webshops, bonuses and financial planning help.

The solution to unwilling extreme early retirement

And with the advent of the internet, Web 2.0, Search Engine Optimization, and recently coined “attraction marketing, no selling,” techniques, it has never been a more excellent time to take massive action, quickly building your business! It is now a virtual level playing field to sell absolutely any product, sponsor any prospect in or around anyplace in the world with an internet connection! All the charts and graphs of uplines, downlines and sidelines are all but trashed. This new model of network marketing squarely puts the responsibility of your success on YOU and the massive action plan you implement to make it all happen. It is clearly a much more viable option in comparison to the old, now obsolete, 30-years-to-retirement plan or the more traditional financial planning help. The next step is up to you. What are you going to do?

If you want more information on financial planning help click on the “Learn More” link below.