Safe Solvents is a professional company from the UK that designs and manufactures high quality parts washing machines and liquids. Having over 70 years of experience, this company has the necessary resources to make the most out of the chemical and mechanical engineering technology available on the market in order to create products that will rise to the expectations of its clients. To this extent, its latest range of “Typhoon” products promise to offer advanced washing solutions to users in the automotive, marine and aviation industries. All Typhoon products are hand made in the UK by specialists with many years of training and experience under their belt. These products follow the highest standards of quality in their field and clients can be sure they will not be disappointed when they choose Typhoon.


However, any car parts washer they might choose from Safe Solvents are energy efficient and can use as little as 16 watts when they function. Furthermore, the liquids offered by this company are specially designed for their machines and are completely non-flammable and non-toxic. They are also safe for drains and hydrocarbon free, allowing users to rest assured that they will always use safe products if they choose this company. The liquids produced by this company do not require heat to work and clients can rest assured that they will do the same job as traditional solvents. All products of this company undergo extensive testing before they are released on the market. This is Safe Solvents’ way to make sure it only offers customers the best possible product.


Having products that can be used in a variety of industries, Safe Solvents tries to maintain competitive rates and enable anyone in need of a small parts washer to be able to afford it without any problems. Moreover, those who consider that they do not need to buy a product from this company because they only need it temporarily, will be glad to know that this company also has products available for lease at very affordable rates. This way they can simply lease the washer they need and the parts washing liquid is included, allowing them to complete their tasks without any problems. Safe Solvents always researches this field to come up with innovative solutions and make sure it is one of the best manufacturers of parts washing machines on the market. Every element of a machine from this company has been thoroughly research and developed by a team of specialists in the field, who only approve it if they are completely satisfied by the results they obtain.


To conclude, those who want to buy or lease safe and high quality parts washing machines can rely on Safe Solvents always provide them with everything they need. As a leader in this field, this company is always developing new products that are in accordance with the UK legislation regarding waste management and solvent storage. So when you are ready to make an investment into something that you can count on being of high quality, this is one of the best choices that you can make!


For more information about parts washing liquid please visit or use the contact details below:


Contact Name: Galvin Sommers
Company name: Safe Solvents Ltd
Exact Address: The Parlour Building, Hollands Farm, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5EE
Phone no: +44 (0) 845 5652402
Email address:

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