Do Something Different
Do Something Different
Look at all the ads on Apsense and other places to market…you will see basically the same old same old but every so often you will see something that works.
Your goal is to master, understand what works and tweak it in only away that you can! I have come up with some crazy ideas that others said that will never work only to make a financial killing!
You have a finger print that no one else has on earth. You have something special that no one else has…take what works learn it and make it better, crazier or whatever that is floating around in your skull.
Focus on Failure but don’t worry about it
Focus on what works and what doesn’t but don’t worry about it. Failure is the only thing that can stop you not success so understand what makes people fail first and foremost.
Once you understand what doesn’t work you can combine that understanding with what does work with a unique quality. Accept failure.
No one succeeds without failing over and over again. So fail often but succeed better! I fail roughly 85 out of 100 times online and 2 out of 3 times offline with all the joy in my heart.
…because that drives me to get better everyday…most people fail hard and quit harder then do the exact same thing later when they work themselves up to starting again.
I tweak things slightly each time until I find the sweat spot. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
What I love about Apsense People
The people that I have plucked from Apsense has outperformed every group that I have taken from anyplace else.
I believe it’s the workmanship of Apsense people has an unmeasurable insanity. So when I teach them the food of internet success of how to tweak this or that each time…you AP people never stop cooking!
So fail with pride!