Snowball on the Sun

Posted by Mike G.
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Snowball on the Sun


Starting a business online is like putting a freshly made snowball on the sun for most people. As long as you keep doing the same thing the snowball will always melt…


There is no push button magic nor are you going to attend a webinar and find gold the next day. You can place a thousand ads a day or write even more articles but without understanding you will fail.


There are two types of failure, one is good…the good failure is when you get up and give your thoughts and dreams your best effort each and every day…fail and get back up again!


The other is your mind that makes an excuse for not going forward. Instead you seek out others who are doing something and latch on as if you are succeeding through them. Funny they never share their fortunes though.


It is Time to Succeed!

Mastering the bad side of failure has taken its last step this day forward! You will fail towards greatness from now on!


Now those can only be a few words but if you let them settle in and soak up all your doubts as I have mine then life’s fortune will be an explosion for you!


I really want you to succeed! Not everyone who has your ear cares about you. They only want what they can get from you. If the people you listen to or buy from aren’t vested in you then why invest your money or energy in them.


I have been at the bottom of the barrel. I know what it feels like. I know how hard it is to even lift your head up let alone to get a little ahead.


Now I’m on top far from where I’m going to be but I can breathe freely without any stress. I’m using my net to scrape the bottom of the barrel…


I’m not asking you to follow me. I’m asking you to follow your ambitions…your goals to your true value! I know your value is limitless, do you?

Please, stop faking your way through with people and things that have little promise…let that explosion inside of you happen!


I believe the cure for cancer lies within the homeless man who allows his explosion to stay dormant.  Maybe you have the awakening power lift him up!


Hope this helps you!
