Join My Journey and Make It Ours!

Posted by Margo Dae Johnson
466 Pageviews
I am looking for people who are driven, dedicated and have a true desire to reach their potential. People who want to 

succeed and achieve their goals, whether their goals are to make $500 a month or $5000 or more a month. It doesn't matter 

if you have never tried working online before or if you have made thousands online already; what you are about to see is 

for everyone and with a 94% success rate there really is no failing with this system. 

Are you looking for a simple way to make some extra money using the internet?

I was. 

And after searching around and trying several different programs I finally found a super simple system that just about 
anyone can do AND that actually works. (I  know that sounds cliche, but I’m doing it myself so I know it works. I already 
have a team of 6 and $100 in commissions in 12 days)

If you’re interested to know what I’m doing, here is the link

If you have any questions just contact me and I’ll answer them.

If you like what you see, I can mentor you to make sure that you’re successful.

It is $7 ONE-TIME to join the team and $39.95 a month to be a Bronze level member and you will make $25 COMMISSIONS on 

every single person that you sign up!! You MUST be Bronze level to start to make commissions! As you follow the 18 month 

blueprint your commission's will increase A LOT! 

Watch this video before signing up its CRAZY!!

The only focus you have is to build a team. The system is designed so that our entire team helps you build your team, then 

your team goes with you to the next business so we have a built in income! (you will understand this better if you watch 

the first video)

Did you like what you saw? The go here and sign up right away before we have a price increase!  

Need a little more information before you make a decision? Check this out before you commit..

When you are watching the video(s) Get out a notebook and pen/pencil and answer these questions;
A) What is your monthly income goal?
B) How badly do you want to make money at home?
C) What was your obstacle/issue in other business opportunities; if there have been others?
D) Make a list of what you have done in the past that you think caused you to 'fail'. Was it the business? The training? 
Or; be honest, was it lack of effort on your part?
E) What are your expectations?
F) How bad do you want it and how hard are you prepared to work to get it?

After you have viewed the video(s) and made a decision as to whether OWN is for you or not please let me know. There are 3 
simple steps you MUST complete in order to make any commissions, and I would like to make sure you follow all 3 steps so 

you can start earning right away.

I have been searching and working online with several companies over the last 3 years or so and I have never been as 
excited as I am right now.

OWN- Online Wealth System is AMAZING!

I look forward to talking to you soon and I cannot wait to work with you!

-Margo Johnson