My superaffiliatecoachingclub

Posted by Hop Trieusung
423 Pageviews

Today I want to intro my affiliate program for searching in making money online.
Your stats have a “next day” delay. That means that you won’t see clicks on your affiliate links or any sales made until the day after they happen. However, Every time you make a sale we send you a commission notice via email. So just keep checking your emails for commissions and you’ll pretty much know everything you need to know. 2. You won’t see actual “leads” showing up in your stats. You will see “clicks” so you know how many people have clicked your link, but your “leads” will always show “0”. That’s because our testing has shown that by using aweber for your leads our affiliates end up making more in the end because they have better analytics for us to test our offers (and increase your conversions) and higher confirm rates which more of your leads see our messages. It’s really no different than clickbank and and any of the other major ad networks. If you need help, or have any questions: You can see me at

and more access here

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