** I GIVE UP! **

Just about the time I get back into using WordPress, another hacker decides to ruin my life again, so I am going back to hard coding.

It's really not as bad as it sounds, since there are simple to use responsive templates available for free and I figured out how to make it just as easy to update as a WordPress site. If anyone hacks this one, in five minutes I can upload the files from my hard drive and be right back where I left off.

The good part is, backing up is automatic. I make the changes to my files (including my new RSS Feed) on my own computer, then just upload them to my $1 a month hosting account with FileZilla and keep the originals both on my hard drive and my DropBox as backup.

The RSS was a little tricky, but a couple of hours with Google and my trusty Notepad++ and now I can add an entry in about two minutes. Any of my true followers who want to know the latest gains, can get a notice instantly if they have it in a Feed Reader or used http://IFTTT.com to set up a recipe to email them when it changes.

There, it feels better already. I still don't have a clue why these A$$ H@@LES don't make better use of their time than going around causing grief for little guys that don't deserve it. If they want to hack someone, why don't they pick on the CIA so they can sell the secrets for a fortune?

Oh Well, life goes on and I will recover,

See You Online!

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