Video Locker : Thousand $$$ business in a day.

Posted by Vashishtha kapoor
574 Pageviews
You will be laughing on this title but there is a reason of writing this important article. I am very sorry and please forgive me for my poor English or poor typing but i am very glad to express that i have earned $1000 on the very first day when i used video locker.
Video Locker is a way to put a script in the video and telling it to pause at the specific time and to show targeted advertisement like offer submission, subscribe or a sales offer. Sooner the offer is completed and the required action is accomplished, the video gonna resume again.
It is same way how content locker and file locker works.
Affiliates working with video marketing loved it and awarded it as the next generation performance marketing tool.
Suppose you have a video to publish. You used video locker and published it on your website.
Only 1000 visitors viewed your video.
You earned $1000 on the very first day. It looks very much pretty than $50 a day for video publishing on youtube and earning from youtube partners program.