To Be or Not To Be

Posted by Kathy Clouse
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To be a team player or not to be a team player, that is my question and I have an answer! 

I have been on line for a couple of years, searching, joining, being disappointed, lied to, used and was ready to just go back to playing games on Facebook, where I have made many friends and have family there, to quit the MADNESS.  Yes, trying to filter out all the insanity, crawling through the bright lights, outrageous promises, joining yet again, being disappointed yet again has to be a form of insanity.

I have had sponsors who once I have joined, never hear from them again except through the auto-responder and that is form letters, new requests to now join this latest and greatest program.  I write to them asking for help, and NOTHING. 

The next group of sponsor's talk about team building, but they have no idea what a leader nor a team is all about.  They are little rulers, do it my way only, join up with all my links to all these valuable programs that you  must have to build your main program.  They do message you and do help as long as you do as they say, once you stop spending money and quit giving them more down-line in their programs, the auto mail comes.  Meanwhile, I am thinking, I thought we were working together, friends?

And, then you get a sponsor like I was, I really cared, really wanted to help but did not have a clue.  So, I spent a lot of time with the program and in search engines, trying to answer questions, give help.  I wanted to be the best I could be, but just was not mature enough in the business to be a great sponsor.

The definition of the word leader:  (noun) a person or thing that directs a group.  The definition of the word team: (noun) a number of persons working together in a joint venture.  A leader is needed at the head of a team to put it all together and give direction that is based on the team's ideas and input.  A Great Leader steps out of self and puts the needs of the team first, helping each one to achieve their potential.  A Great Team brings to the table their strengths and weaknesses and contributes their part of the building of the team, making it a whole body, functioning together.  Not everyone can be a head, nor an arm, each one of us has a special area that we excel in and put forth.

I have met a person who has a dream.  His dream is to build a team that understands these concepts.  He is reaching out to people who are in need, low-income, disabled, seniors, people planning retirement, people who NEED to supplement their incomes, who are willing to put in the time and effort to build security with an on-line income.  There is work involved, commitment, realistic goals to met.  By following the steps that have been made for you, showing us that you are sincere and honest and tired of chasing after the next big thing and that you want to be part of a team that puts its members first, then look no further, you have arrived.

Take the first step today to begin the journey, this is different.

And, yes we do use an auto responder for training email letters, but we give you an open access to us through a members site, email's that we answer, a direct line. 

Contact me for information on how to join, we would love to have you. 

Kathy   ttgems1  at  gmail  dot com  subject line:  I want to know about the team build