Top 9 Tips For Improving Your Spoken English

Posted by Langma International
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1. Join a Daily English Tip Website
Joining a daily tip newsletter will help keep you inspired in your English studies. Each time you receive the email it will remind you to keep learning and you can go to bed every night knowing that you have learnt something new.


2. Listen to English Music.

 When we’re having fun we remember better because our mind is open to receiving more information. So go on, choose your favorite band and learn what their songs mean.

3. Fall in love with learning
If you have a hobby or a passion, you probably learnt how to do it without studying, right? It didn’t feel like studying because you were having fun.

This is essential to learning English. If you hate studying, or if you dislike practicing, it will be very hard for you because your brain will be saying “I don’t want to do this” all the time. Solution? Learn to love learning English.

4. Make time for learning
Choose a time when you’re relaxed and have nothing to do to practice English. Maybe Saturday morning at a cozy cafe? Maybe every evening for 30 minutes before supper.

Make a routine and keep to it. It will greatly improve your chances to learn English.

5. Ask your company to start English classes
Maybe you really want to take an English class but you can’t afford the price. Get together with a group of employees who want to learn English and ask management to sponsor you. A lot of companies do this already!


6. Watch English language films in English
We wrote about the importance of watching films in English a couple of weeks ago..

7. Make a vocabulary list
Buy yourself a notebook and keep it as your personal English Learning diary.

Write what your goals are, what motivates you to learn and, most importantly, make a list of the interesting vocabulary words you learn. Write down proverbs, idioms or curious phrasal verbs. When you have time, open your diary and try to remember some of them!

Also, writing notes is a great way to remember vocabulary, much better than just reading and forgetting.

8. Online communication
We love chatting to anyone who is learning English. Ask  questions, share your tips and make friends with other learners so you can form a support group.

Learning in a social atmosphere is always more fun!

9. Record yourself or talk outloud
A lot of students are embarrassed to speak outloud in English, they worry their accent isn’t good enough or that they are making grammar mistakes.

A good way to stop being embarrassed is to talk outloud. When you’re doing your homework say the exercises outloud. When you’re reading an English book read outloud. When you’re listening to English songs sing outloud.

Why? You’ll get used to hearing your own voice speaking in a foreign language. The more you do it, the more natural it will seem.

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