Banner Advertising...

Banner advertising is probably one of the most powerful forms of advertising on the internet. Banners are everywhere. They are the picture
advertisements that appear on most webpages. Banner ad can be animated, have sound and some are in video format or they could be a combination of those forms. Many websites have banner space available for purchasing, normally located in the footer of their site.

How Do Banners Work?

Banner ads are usually box like ads located in specific places on a webpage with the purpose of attracting viewers to click on them. Upon clicking, the viewer is taken to the advertiser's splash or business page where they can browse the products and service offers. Banner ads come in all different shapes and sizes. Banner advertisements are usually measured in pixels. Large banners can range around 728 x 90 pixels and smaller banners can be about 468 x 60 pixels or 125 x 125 pixels. As per any form of advertisements, the cost of placing banners can vary depending on the site and the size. The more traffic hits a site gets, the more expensive the cost can be. Some banner sites are free to join however, to get quality exposure you may want to pay the fees that fit your budget.

How Banner Ads Can Help Your Business

For advertising online, using banners can most certainly help grow your business. Your banner must be attractive, unique or interesting, enticing the viewers to click and learn more. Using some sort of tracking ability in your website back office is highly recommended for all your links, including banner ads get the most out of banner advertising, to know what sites and ad designs are working best for you.


Banner advertising can be purchased in many different ways but the most common are:

•  CPI ­ Cost per thousand impressions

•  CPC ­ Cost per click, only pay for clicks on your banner.

•  CPA ­ Cost per acquisition when a consumer completes a transaction.

There are companies that can offer complete services, taking your marketing plan into consideration to establish a cost at a flat rate. They will create, submit, monitor and optimize your banner advertising campaign. You can also do all or part of the labor and maintenance yourself, especially if you are already familiar with banner systems or if your advertising budget is low.

What Is So Special About Banner Advertising?

When it comes to marketing, banner advertising provides a scalable, easy-to­-deploy solution. Banner advertising is relatively simple to learn and can be monitored and tweaked very easily when using the right website tools. You can track conversions, click­-through rates and impressions, which will enable you to optimize your campaigns to get the most out of your marketing efforts.

What Should My Ad Focus On?

A great place to start would be to evaluate and identify the most powerful features and benefits you are offering. What are you offering that other similar sites lack?

Do you have a special or limited time bargain that you are wanting to promote? Banner ads have very few words on them, so choosing the best selection of content will make most effective impact. To get a very good idea of some powerful paid banner ads, visit the popular homepages of sites such as and

Currently banner ads are the most popular form of advertising used online. They are a fantastic, colorful way to attract interaction and engagement with a diverse range of audiences.

Enjoy Creating Banners here...

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