Intimately transmitted infections are no laughing matter, and they certainly aren’t something to take lying down, no pun intended.  Sadly, many men and women take a wait and see approach to their intimate health.  They may cross their fingers, wait for symptoms and just hope it never happens to them.  However, intimate infections can, do, and will happen to individuals who do not take precautions and don’t take partner-transmitted infections seriously.  Here are a few things all men need to know about partner-transmitted infections and how to maintain male organ health.

1) Men and women can both be asymptomatic

Some people are under the misconception that as long as everything looks and feels okay below the belt, they must be healthy.  Unfortunately, this is not true.  Many men and women can be asymptomatic carriers of intimate infections, meaning they have one and can pass it to others, but are completely unaware because they themselves are experiencing no symptoms. That is why testing is so important; it is the only way to be sure.

2) They are extremely prevalent

It is estimated that 50% or more of the active population will contract at least one intimate infection in their lifetime.

3) Latex barriers are the best line of defense

Apart from abstinence, using barrier protection is the only recommended way to prevent partner-transmitted infections; when used correctly, they are 99% effective.  The protection needs to be in place before any contact occurs, they cannot be reused, and they should be changed between different types of activities -- regardless of the occurrence of emission.

4) They can be linked to cancer

Certain strains of HPV have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. So men who think a round of medicine is all that is needed to clear up a partner-transmitted infection are wrong.  They can have lasting health repercussions for men and women.

5) You can have more than one at a time

There is no limit to the number of partner-transmitted infections an individual can be carrying at one time.  It is completely possible to have more than one infection; a doctor can best determine the route of treatment for the coexisting conditions.

6) You can get the same one twice

The body does not become immune to partner-transmitted infections once it has been infected, so one can keep transmitting them again and again and again.  In fact, sometimes when two partners have it and do not get treated, they just continue to pass it back and forth to each other.

7) There is more than one way to transmit them

While it is a myth that one can get a partner-transmitted infection from a toilet seat, for instance, they truly can be transmitted during all types of intimate contact.  And of course, certain infections can also be transmitted via needle sharing.

8) Partner-transmitted infections require treatment

While some mild symptoms may clear up on their own, the lasting effects of them can cause serious damage to the body; thus, medical attention is necessary.

9) Partner-transmitted infections can cause sterility

Sterility is one of the possible long-term consequences of a partner-transmitted infection.  This side effect is far more likely to occur in men who never properly treat their infection – so go to the doc, guys!

10) Men should be tested regularly for partner-transmitted infections

All active men should be regularly tested for partner-transmitted infection. Those who have multiple partners, who sleep with women who have multiple partners, who engage in risky behavior, or who are sleeping with a partner who has recently been infected should be tested every 3 months – or more – depending on the frequency in which they are changing partners.

Keeping the Male organ Healthy

To keep the male organ generally healthy, men should always do the following:

§  Always use protection

§  Get tested regularly

§  Have monogamous relations with a partner who has also been tested first

§  Exchange histories with each new partner before any activity

And finally, to improve and maintain the health of the male organ, men should use a male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing essential vitamins and nutrients.  While no amount of vitamins can prevent a partner-transmitted infection, maintaining excellent hygiene can reduce the chance of bacterial infection, yeast infection, pimples, lumps and bumps, leading to a softer, smoother, more responsive tool. 

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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