How to make best quality preform

Posted by Fional Li
1309 Pageviews
HENGXIN mould company

There is no probably no subject in PET industry shrouded in more mystery than the design of preforms. there is no handbook,no course,and very little other material that a prospective preform designer may peruse to get parepared for the job.The main reason is that preform design is till a "black art",and no calculation or simulation  can guarantee a perfectly suitable perform for a given bottle design and blow machine.

PET planet insider is publishing extracts from successive hapters of Ottmar Brandau's "Bottles, Preforms and Closures", which was first published by hbmedia.A newly revised version is reissued under the Elsevier imprint.

Our guess would be that to this day no 48 or more cavity system is built without first performing a trial run with  a first performing a trial run with a single-uni cavit.This is despite the fact that we understand material properties fairly well,and resin companies as well as independent laboratories offer material characterisations tha detail stress/strain graphs for a veriety of material conditions.