RevStar Global Huge Passive Income

Posted by Sherry Dossey
887 Pageviews
RevStar Global is a Global Opportunity you don't want to miss.

A group of Corporate Executives, Lawyers and Network Marketers in the USA, Canada, and the UK spent 3 years making sure the model was expendable, scalable and the I's are dotted and T's are crossed.

This business model is how traditional businesses make their profits and how Millionaires have become Billionaires.  What runs our entire Global Economy Is the foundation of This Business Model.

RevStar Global Introduces Inventory Factoring

Factoring against inventory, invoices, media time and future sales is nothing new. In fact it has been a staple in traditional businesses for hundreds of years, and up until now has generally only been a tool that the wealthy have been able to use for themselves. Factoring has helped small entrepreneurs turn a simple idea or product into a multimillion dollar business and at the same time has turned millionaires into billionaires.

How does it work? It is really quite simple. Even though the people that have used this to build their own wealth would like you to think it’s complicated. Factoring is a commonly used way for small and medium size companies to raise capital to grow when they simply can’t turn to the banks anymore. There are different types and styles of factoring available to businesses and RevStar Global will become a mainstay in all areas. Simply put, this goes right back the simple statement: create a product, find a customer, sell customer the product, and make more products: repeat. This is what business is built off of.

50% of the Profits of the factoring is shared with the associates.  Right now this is earning 1.5% daily and accumulates daily.  This is passive income and huge.  Some examples are $500 turn into $1900 in 90 days, $3000 turns into $11,400 in 90 days, $10K turns into $38K+ in 90 days and all monies are paid out at the end of each campaign.

RSG has bridged the gap between traditional business with network marketing.  This has never been done before and has given network marketers the biggest global opportunity.  Which is passive.  But if you want more, passive is just one side of the business.

I am blessed to be working directly with the Global Director, Owner/President, Vice President and the Sales Director of the company.  So if you have any questions I can put you on a 3 way call with any of these great people.

If you are interested in adding a passive income to your finances and or have any questions you can Skype or call me.

Sherry Dossey
Skype ID: sherry.dossey
phone: 863-858-1881 (est)