Promote, Promote, Promote!

Posted by Kathy Clouse
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I am on line, a marketer, educated in management, psychology, sales, turned two main off line businesses from the red and made both huge profits and I can not make a cent or get one person to join me on line!  I promote, spend hours daily, surfing, socializing, doing safe lists, sending off ads, standing on my head and singing Yankee Doodle but nothing works for me.  I follow my sponsor, and for the first month, got lots of help and advice, now, in my second month, it was suggested that I needed to have $100.00 set aside for her latest thing.  She is good, I am stuck.  For me, on disability and not having money to buy food sometimes, $100 is a huge amount of money. 

I know that on line businesses take time, effort, work and investment.  I have worked off line and am completely aware of all that.  The only time that I made instant success, off line, was taking hold of a costume rental shop that was in the red, was asked to make $4000 for the season, and I made over $10,000, won first place in store/window design and was so proud of myself!  And, I had a blast, worked with creative people and loved every minute of it. 

But, back to on line.  I can't see you nor can I talk with you, which are two of my strongest attributes, selling myself.  Almost everyone on line, falls into several slots, 1)Newbie, believes everything/anything, get burned a lot 2)The Jumper, goes from the next big thing, never stays long enough to do anything 3)The Tire Kicker, a lot like the Jumper, this one just stays longer, does more, then after 2-3 months gets tired of the work and not making money, so leaves.  4)The Professional, who owns a TE,PT C,Safe-list, who promotes, promotes, promotes and has programs for people to sign up for, which they are the ones who get the credit, so they have tons of sign ups or down-line and we all know, that is what it takes. 

Out of 1,000 people who sign up, if you get 1 who will follow through, you are lucky.  I also did cold calling and mailings, that rate is 1-2%, at lest when I did it those were the rates of success.  And, what I did then, was mostly one time buy and fly deals, not a long running, might be 2-3 years before you make it, deals.

I ran across a site yesterday, and joined.  The owner has been on line for a while, is honest, and he offers more than just surfing.  He has a real, honest training course, "The Triple A Plan", which is completely re-brandable.  You will learn, then can earn.

This is an honest training course taking you from A to Z. and is written so it can be understood.  There are updates and retractions/additions as Marketing conditions change.  When you upgrade you will have the ability to re-brand the "Triple A Marketing Course", so all your down-line members will see your affiliate links in the recommended programs.

Easy to Read-Easy To Follow - straight talk without the normal fluff and BS we see so often!
The Marketing Plan will show anyone how to earn a full time Living from Internet Marketing, combining Traffic Exchanges with other forms of advertising has never been talked about before. Seems as if every TE Owners claims they can give you all the Traffic you need, when the truth is none of them can- not alone,

This Plan is NOT just to promote "ConversionSurf" and a few others the Owner has interest in, this Plan will help you Earn from ANY Honest Program you wish to promote!

Now, we are back to not having money to upgrade.  I took their cheapest OTO offer, because I need the training.  I can and will go without to have a future.  Anyone, can find enough to invest in their futures and it does not need to be over whelming.

If anyone wants to know how I find the money to invest, ask me.  I am great at budgeting and making great meals from food boxes!