Sensual encounters move quickly, as a general rule. The lights go down, the clothes come off, and in 30 minutes or less, the whole thing is over. Even if a man has put his all into the encounter, and he's worn out and tired after his half-hour of exertion, he's often putting plans in place for the very next time he can persuade his partner to get busy. Unfortunately, if the intimacy got a little rough, or things moved just a little too quickly, men might need some specialized male organ care before they can hop back into the sack.

Pleasure and Pain

Most injuries a man endures during intimacy take place because he, or his partner, is not exercising excessive care. Rather than letting the excitement build and build until both partners are simply bursting with desire and readiness, many couples skip a few steps. They move right from touching to tearing, from kissing to coupling. They don't take the time for natural lubricants to take hold, and they don't allow tissues to expand or contract for maximum pleasure and minimum pain.

Intimacy can also be remarkably vigorous, particularly when that peak of pleasure seems difficult to attain. Men who keep banging away, moment after moment after moment, may scrape away sensitive cells on the exterior of the male organ, and the damage might be even more intense if natural lubricants evaporate during all of this movement.

During the act itself, little injuries may pass by unnoticed. The male drive can override the brain's ability to deliver signals of pain, ensuring that a guy keeps on moving no matter what happens to his body. This makes sense from a purely biological standpoint, as blocking pain signals can ensure that couples continue to have intimacy despite their injuries. But, it can mean that men emerge from these episodes with skin that is:

  • Red
  • Chapped
  • Bruised
  • Scraped
  • Roughened

When all of the little pleasure signals of intimacy are gone, that skin might be remarkably painful, and that discomfort can last for days.

Rest and Relaxation

While it's impossible to send a specific body part on an individual trip to the Bahamas for a much-needed break, sore male tissues can benefit from a little at-home, attached-to-the-body care.

Resting these tissues means avoiding any sort of sensual contact, at least for a short period of time, and this means no partnered intimacy and no self-pleasure. Chapped, sore skin cells must knit back together, and each intimacy act can scrape away new cells the male organ needs for a full recovery.

While intimacy rest might be mandatory, other activities can likely move forward as planned. With breathable underwear firmly in place, even the sorest of men can handle their regular activities, including running, bike riding and working in the garden. But, if the tissues seem to scream out during any particular act, or if the area just seems hot and uncomfortable, a few private moments spent with an ice pack can help to dull the pain. Over-the-counter pain medications like aspirin might also help to soothe lingering soreness that could keep a man from attending to his responsibilities.

While lotions aren't typically designed for use in skin that's bleeding or otherwise in need of intensive care, a male organ health crème could be ideal for male skin that's just a little under the weather (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). These products can nourish distressed skin, providing the vitamins and minerals skin cells need in order to knit back together. The softening agents included in each dollop of these products can also help to smooth skin that's been roughed up by too much love, and dead skin cells might float away with each and every application. In time, skin will be glistening with health, and itching to get back into the action. Daily application can also make skin stronger, so it can resist the damage of intimacy without falling apart in the process. 

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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