What Is Web Development

Posted by Amit Sharma
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Web Development is not a complex term to understand. Web Development is a technique to promote your business against the world through the internet or it is the fact that it is the most important part of a successful business. As we know in today’s world most of the people access internet. So organizations create their portals to promote their services against the world. Website development for an organization is a task which is completed by a web developer. When website is developing for the larger organization, it required a team of web developers or on the other hand for smaller organization it can be done by single webmaster. Portal creation for a business includes designing, content creation, scripting of client side and server side, and also include network configuration as well. Creator of website adds some functionality with the help of coding and designing into the site to make it user friendly. This is a fact that users spend maximum time on the site which is easy to access and user can easily understand the functionality of the site.


Webmaster of site use some programming and scripting languages to create the portal. Programming languages used by the developers in creation of the website are java, asp.net, php, jsp, python, Perl, etc. The most common languages which are used by the maker are java, asp.net and php. PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source programming language so it is available in free means developer can use it free but java and asp .net required supportive applications. So mainly at the time of creation of the site, developer mainly works on client side coding, server side coding and database management.


It is true that user spend maximum time on your site if it looks great, so the web design is also a most important part of web development. Designing part generally includes user interface, site structure, layout, colours, fonts, images and others. The most common language and script is used by a designer at the time of making of the site are HTML (hypertext mark-up language), CSS (cascading style sheets), XML (extensible mark-up language) and java script. Designer use this language and script to create an innovative and great looking site .The main goal of the designer is to achieve the expectation of the user.  The development work of a site is divided in two teams of designers and developers by the company. Designers make effort to create an innovative and creative and professional look to the site on the other hand developers make effort to create it functional and useful.