Adult Entertainment and Reproductive function - Could a Guy’s Internet Habits Leave Him Limp?

Posted by John Dugan
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The Internet has opened up a whole new world of opportunity for men who enjoy a little adult viewing from time to time; but as with anything else, too much of a good thing can lead to unexpected and unwanted consequences. Adult entertainment can be titillating; it can offer a guy an outlet for stress, and it can fill in the gaps when there is no willing partner around. On the other hand, a LOT of adult entertainment can cause significant problems, ranging from loss of interest in real, physical partners to overall loss of reproductive function. Since no guy wants that to happen, some of the reasons that too much Internet stimulation can lead to a limp tool are described here, along with some timely tips for male organ care that can help revitalize an unresponsive male organ.

1. Loss of physical male organ sensation – Like the rest of the body, the male organ is covered by layers of dermal tissue (the skin) that protect it from the outside world. This tissue is filled with nerve cells that transmit information to the brain and receive signals from the brain; and the male organ, of course contains a vast number of sensory cells. Men who watch adult entertainment typically engage in manual stimulation as they watch the action unfold. While getting off is natural and healthy to an extent, overdoing it can cause a loss of male organ sensation; in some cases, this is due to the thickening of the skin that occurs as a result of chronic rough handling, and in some cases, this is caused by damage to the nerve cells. In a nutshell, too much whacking can leave the male organ stubborn and unresponsive. 

2. Mental desensitization – Sensuality in any form is a highly visual activity, and men and women alike rely on a variety of visual cues to become excited. It is common for men who spend hours a day watching adult entertainment material to become essentially immune to any more realistic forms of visual stimulation.

3. Empty chambers – Last but not least, men who play with themselves frequently (with or without adult entertainment) tend to be less responsive to a partner simply because they may have already come recently and haven’t worked up a new supply.

Help for a Desensitized Male organ

Fortunately, there is hope for men who have lost sensation and reproductive function as a result of their adult entertainment viewing habits. The first step, of course, is to lay off altogether for a period of time. This means no Internet adventures, no trips to the adult toy store, and no manual stroking. Taking a break from this highly specific visual input, as well as the manual stimulation that frequently goes along with it, can allow a guy’s mind to re-focus on other visual and mental imagery, not to mention the touch and/or smell of a potential partner.

Because manual stroking of the male organ can eventually lead to loss of sensation –due both to stressed skin and to unresponsive nerve pathways – leaving the tool alone for a week or two can allow the tissues time to heal and to become more responsive to the touch and feel of a partner.

When it comes to re-training the male organ to respond to physical stimulation, the right nutrition plays an important role. The skin and nerve tissue need specific vitamins, proteins and hydrating agents to heal and to protect themselves against further damage. Using a male organ health formula (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be an easy, no-nonsense way to ensure that the male tissue is getting the nourishment it needs to function at its prime – a quality product can leave the skin healthy, supple and responsive.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.