For most men, their first sensual experience is of the solo variety and requires little more than their hand and some imagination. As a young man gains experience and familiarity with his body, he may begin to experiment with different techniques and has likely even gotten his own cleanup routine down to a science.  Whether he uses facial tissue, toilet paper, a quick shower, or the old gym sock routine, guys know that a good release is going to require some cleanup afterwards.  Having been dealing with this aftermath for quite some time, it can come as quite a shock when a man experiences a dry release – meaning no fluid is released. Though he may feel like running off to the ER immediately, there are a few explanations for this phenomenon. Learn more about retrograde emission and what it means for male organ health.

What is a dry release?

Known as retrograde emission, a dry release is simply that; a man reaches release and no fluid is released from his male organ.  Instead, his baby juice travels backwards up the urethra and is released into his bladder instead.  Most men still report a full sensation of release when this occurs. In fact, unless they are self-pleasuring or using a latex barrier and notice the absence of fluid, they may experience this for some time without actually knowing it. A man may experience a single dry release and never have another episode again; he may have them sporadically, or it may become a permanent condition that needs medical attention to reverse.

What causes a dry release?

There are several different conditions that have been linked to retrograde emission including the following:

1. Prostate or urethral surgery

2. High blood pressure medication

3. Anti-depressant medication

4. Diabetes

5. Use of manhood rings

6. Delaying release for a prolonged period of time during intimacy

Should a guy be worried about this?

For the most part, no, the condition itself is not going to cause a man harm.  The most noticeable side effect would be the appearance of cloudy urine after experiencing a release – as the fluid has made its way into the bladder.  However, if a man is intending on having children, then yes, he should talk to his doctor.  Given the fact that no fluid is released, infertility is an obvious side effect of retrograde emission.  After all, how does a guy get his partner pregnant if he is not releasing any seed?  Though a midnight trip to the emergency room is not needed in the case of a dry release, it is worth mentioning to a doctor regardless of one’s intentions for fatherhood.  Due to the fact that certain health conditions can be linked to retrograde emission (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) it is wise to speak with a doctor to figure out what the cause may be – particularly for men who are not currently diagnosed with any medical conditions, as the dry release may be an early warning sign of a different medical condition.

Keeping the male organ healthy

In terms of treatment of retrograde emission – if it is an ongoing condition – a doctor may recommend switching medications or starting medications if that is to blame.  However, for men who developed the condition after having urethral or prostate surgery, the condition may possibly be permanent.  A doctor can best help formulate a treatment plan depending on the cause of the problem.

Even still, there are steps a man can take to maintain the overall health of his male organ – whether it is releasing properly or not – maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, keeping blood sugars in check, and eating healthy are all ways to keep the male organ ready for action.   Additionally, using a male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) full of male organ specific nutrients can help improve circulation and blood flow to the male organ, while moisturizing and soothing the delicate male organ skin.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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