Web Designing and Advertising— Do’s and don’ts

Posted by Moorthy Machendran
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When advertising online for a product, creators and graphic designers pay special attention to the website. It is the element that gathers the most visual weight in the whole online spectrum, and therefore, should be the best and most attractive. For people who handle small businesses and can’t afford to employ hotshot web designing companies, their websites are their Mecca. So here are three basic ways to ensure that your website does not fall into the category of “oblivious disasters in the making”:

1.      Simple is effective: Remember, the lesser things you have, the classier the web design looks. The mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time. Too many clutter it up. Keep the design minimal and effective.

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2.      The Color wheel: There is nothing more absurd than a website that doesn’t have the right colors to go with its theme. No matter how ballistic you want to go with colors in your creation, there is no way a business website will look serious with rainbows popping up all over, or a bakery will look cheerful with colors like murky green. Use controlled, appropriate colors that impart exactly what the theme of your website wants to convey.

3.      Multimedia and Plug ins- Do not flood your website with useless multimedia and plug ins. Common formats of pictures like .jpeg, .jpg and .png and sound extensions like .mp3, .wav often come in handy, but be careful with others that require downloading. Think and decide whether yours is the kind of website that really needs a plethora of plug-ins and media. It depends on the type—if it’s an entertainment website, go for it. If not, stick to minimal media and pay attention to content. 

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